Meditations in the Time of a Pandemic
- a time of contraction and expansion -
“What I can do is enough, as long as it is done with intention…"
Nina Lipkowitz responded to the pandemic shut-down with a burst of creative energy, painting a new watercolor each day for months; responding to pandemic-year anxieties with a rich and mysterious series of mixed-media work. She says that her life had become very contracted, but in a lot of ways, it expanded into places she had never been before.
This new work began on Day 25, April 6, 2020.
No plans, but one intention. “I am fully present, I get out of my own way, silence my mind, still my body, take out the materials and let go.” I begin with water on paper, brushes, bamboo pens, torn paper, inks and paints. Each of these new pieces is a meditation, a work of improvisation. The viewer may be transported into swirls of water with visions of deep outer-space, a moment of creation, of a time and space continuum.
Now more than 285 days and hundreds of paintings later I am reminded to continue to “Turn it and turn it and turn it, for everything is in it. Reflect on it and grow old and gray with it. Don’t turn from it, for nothing is better than it.” — Ben Bag Bag, 1st Century CE Rabbinic Sage.

510 Warren Street Gallery
January 1-January 31, 2021
510 Warren Street, Hudson, NY
Friday & Saturday, 12-6, Sunday 12-5
All Covid precautions taken